Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Some reference images for project 1. Wasn't entirly sure what was required but took a stab at it anyway.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Assign 1

The methods in computer science before the war were primarily related to the development of military tech. This was because the computers of the day were extremely large and required a significant amount of money to maintain. After the war however methods and theories began to surface in order to make things easier for some people. Designers dreamed about making these early computers more compact, so that they could be sold to the general public.

The artist I chose was Scott Fisher. He was responsibe for pioneering Virtual Reality at NASA.

Fisher's virtual world was possible with the help of a head mounted display for visual interaction, stereo headphones for realistic 3D sound, a microphone for voice recognition. Later with the help of one of his colleagues, he added a "Data Glove" so the user could actually interact with the objects in the virtual world.

I enjoy Fisher's work because for me it represents the beginning of where we could go with this virtual tech. This type of tech is in a way the precursor to Matrix style environments, or even things like Avatar or Surragate.

I found interesting that even as far back as the 90's and late 80's these artist were working to invent and use these technologies to make amazing pieces of art and advance the technology fields as we know them.